What We Buy
We buy only items in excellent condition. Items must be free of flaws or excessive wear. Please see our How to Sell Page also.
All Items must be freshly cleaned for consideration.
We also ask that things are scent-free. We have seen an increase in scented detergents such as Zum. We can not take in items washed with essential oils as they will not wash out.
Children’s Clothing
Preemie to size 12 years. Looking for all seasons now.
Favorite brands include: Gap, Mini Boden, Zara, Tea, Tucker & Tate, Hanna Andersson, Kate Quinn, Athleta, Zella, Magnetic Me, Nordstrom and other popular better brands. We do buy limited Old Navy, H&M, Osh Kosh and Carters and very limited Cat & Jack.
If you have sizes 0-12 months we are looking ONLY at better brands, no Carters, Old Navy, or Cat & Jack in those sizes.
We accept most brands in preemie sizes, girls leggings and boys joggers.
We do not buy items from Walmart, Babies R Us, Carters Just One Year line, Cloud Island, Dip or unbranded items. Due to lack of adherence to safety standards from Amazon sellers, we do not take unbranded items and very limited Amazon branded items.
Children’s Shoes
Size newborn to Youth size 3
Please ensure shoes are clean. Scrub those soles and many shoes can be tossed in the washer. Magic eraser makes those white toes sparkle!
Favorite brands include: Kamik, Keen, Converse, Stride Rite, Robeez, Vans, Hunter, See Kai Run and Salt Water Sandals, Crocs, Freshly Picked, Nike
Maternity & Nursing
We are looking for casual items manufactured within the last three years. We are buying nursing clothing also. Items should be in excellent condition.
Baby Gear & Accessories
Sought after items include Jumperoos and Exersaucers,Halo Bassinests, certain high chairs, hiking backpacks, pack and plays and play yards. If you have a large item, give us a call to make sure we are currently accepting those items.
We do look at baby carriers, cloth diapers, bibs, swaddles and sleep sacks, potty chairs and some feeding items.
We do not take swings, car seats, strollers or cribs, crib bedding or plastic baby bottles.
Please check your items against current recalls at www.cpsc.gov and ensure that all warning labels are intact.
Toys and Books
Our customers love wooden toys, puzzles (under 100 pieces), pretend play, puppets, trains, activity tables, push toys and board books.
We don’t take stuffed animals (except Jellycat or other high end plush), scholastic books, or most battery operated toys or toys with a lot of required parts.
Thanks for reading! Please keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. Thousands of pieces come in for review each week.
We look for the best pieces to put on our racks; items that we know our customers will be thrilled to find, that their kids will be happy to wear and that will last through another child or two.
If we pass on your items and you want more information please ask us!